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American Beauty
- Format: DVD
- Rated: R
- Release Date: 24/01/2017

American Beauty
- Starring: Dan Jinks, Paula Abdul, Kevin Spacey, Jim Johnson, Annette Bening, Trevor Jolly, Tony Adler, Alan Kaminsky, Thora Birch, Ian Kay
- Director: Sam Mendes
- Genre: Drama
- Year of Release: 1999
- UPC: 032429256362
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Product Notes
AMERICAN BEAUTY tells the story of Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey), a suburban father who snaps when he becomes disgusted with his stale, repetitive existence. Burnham let's us know in voice-over from the film's opening that this is the day he dies (using the SUNSET BOULEVARD flashback approach), a technique that adds an inevitable tension to the proceedings and keeps the story moving forward at all times. On a whim, Lester quits his job and begins a regression into young adulthood, lifting weights, smoking pot, doing nothing, and discovering the overflowing sexuality of his 16-year-old daughter's best friend, Angela (Mena Suvari). His wife, Carolyn (Annette Bening), has her own midlife crisis of sorts. A real estate agent, she experiences a youthful awakening when super-agent Buddy Kane (Peter Gallagher) seduces her repeatedly. Meanwhile, Jane (Thora Birch), the Burnhams' daughter, is pursued by Ricky (Wes Bentley), the mysterious boy next door who carries a video camera around with him at all times. When Ricky's militaristic father, Colonel Fitts (Chris Cooper), discovers something potentially horrifying on one of his tapes, and when Carolyn's rage for Lester's actions boils over, the time bomb finally explodes.
CreditsDan Jinks
Jim Johnson
Kevin Spacey
Paula Abdul
Annette Bening
Tony Adler
Trevor Jolly
Alan Kaminsky
Thora Birch
Ian Kay
Tariq Anwar
Wes Bentley
Fort Atkinson
Mena Suvari
Dean M. King
Alan Ball
Jerry King
Brian Basham
Chris Cooper
Kenny King
Carolyn Lassek
Travis Baumann
David Lazan
Huston Beaumont
Barry Del Sherman
Bob Beemer
Lee W. Lebaigue
David Linck
Janet Lonsdale
Jan K. Bergstrom
Juliet Loveland
Bill Bernstein
Larry Madaras
Nancy Anderson
Matthew Kimbrough
Peter Gallagher
Allison Janney
Scott Bakula
Sam Robards
Ara Celi
John Cho
Sue Casey
Kent Faulcon
Brenda Wehle
Matt Magnolia
Lance Mancuso
Lisa Cloud
Paula Bonhomme
Alison Faulk
Christine Bonnem
Tania McComas
Bryan Bowen
Chelsea Hertford
John Bozzalla
Pia Mehr
Amber Smith
Hector Mendoza
Julian Bratolyubov
Clyde E. Bryan
Joel McCrary
Ralph Merzbach
George Budd
Marissa Jaret Winokur
Scott Millan
Cindy Montoya-Picker
Steve Buhai
James Moriana
Jennifer Carlson
John Carney
Leslie Morris
Mike Musteric
David H. Neale
John Cassella
Thomas Newman
Kevin Chambers
Thomas Noroian
Carol A. O'Connell
Tony Chance
Joe Ondrejko
Robert Chapin
Mark Ormandy
Raquel Osborne
Bruce Cohen
Tom Ozanich
Aaron Pazanti
Martin Cohen
Mike Piccirillo
Simon Coke
Glen R. Polzel
Tara B. Cook
Ana Maria Quintana
Cydney Cornell
Patrick G. Ralston
Jordan Corngold
Sheldon Ramones
Alan Rankin
Nicolle Cornute
Jeff Couch
Robert J. Reilly
James M. Cox
Lynda Reiss
Rick Cox
Robin Richesson
Deborah Ricketts
Rosemary C. Cremona
David Riley
Phil Culotta
Eugene P. Rizzardi
Maria DeVane
Stephen P. Del Prete
Danny Routhicaux
Matt Dessero
Cheri Ruff
Joanie Diener
Carey Dietrich
Dennis S. Sands
George Doering
Olivier Sarda
Andrea Dopaso
Paul Schwanke
Chris Douridas
John A. Scott III
Ben Scott
Dean Drabin
Lorey Sebastian
Ross Dunkerley
Chris Edmonds
Naomi Shohan
Jeffrey Skinner
Michelle Edmonds
Hope Slepak
John Emory
Ed Evans
Catherine Smith
Susan Evans
Steven R. Soussanna
Vince Filippone
Carl Fischer
Shannon D. Speaker
Christine M. Steele
Michael Fisher
Paul Flinchbaugh
Tom Stern
Donald Fly
Kelly Stuart
Fortunato Frattasio
Jonathan F. Styrlund
Reshma Gajjar
Parker Swanson
George L. Tarrant Jr.
Mike Gentile
Michael Thomas
Nerses Gezalyan
Marilyn Giardino
Michael Thompson
Andy Towne
David Goldberg
David Golia
Pete Townshend
Rene Gonzales
Suzanne Trucks
Jim Turner
Mark Gordon
Daniel Valenzuela
Nicolle Gray
Christa Vausbinder
Christopher Greenbury
Ted Haigh
Tracey Wadmore-Smith
Geoffrey Haley
Matt Walker
Chris Walkowiak
Conrad L. Hall
Conrad W. Hall
P.J. Harling
Rich Weingart
Julie Weiss
Lee Harris
John C. Hartigan
Mike Welch
Anna E. Hayward
Suzan Wexler
Angela M. Whiting
Alix Hester
Jeffrey Wilhoit
Phil Hetos
Stan Wlodkowski
Julie Hewett
Kanani Wolf
Mark Yacullo
Mike Higelmire
Janet Yale
Peter E. Hirsch
Bill Young
Rob Hodgson
Debra Zane
Todd Homme
Chris Zimmerman
Tom Hrupcho
Greg Zimmerman
Jeffrey Jenofsky
Peter Zinda
DirectorsSam Mendes
ProducersDan Jinks
Bruce Cohen