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- (Widescreen, Subtitled, Dubbed, Dolby)
- Format: Blu-ray
- Rated: NR
- Release Date: 07/06/2011

(Widescreen, Subtitled, Dubbed, Dolby)
- Starring: Chris Bauer, Christopher Warren, Kenneth L. Westcott, Thomas Jane, John Armstrong, Barry Pepper, Jeffrey Johnson, Haskell Wexler, Maria Arruda, Richard Masur
- Director: Billy Crystal
- Genre: Drama, Sports-Baseball
- Subtitles: ENG, FRE, SPA
- Closed Caption: No
- Dubbed: SPA
- Original Language: ENG
- Run Time: 128 minutes
- Year of Release: 2001
- UPC: 883929186334
Please be advised. Unless otherwise stated, all BLU-RAY are REGION A and all DVD are REGION 1 encoding. Before purchasing, please ensure that your equipment can playback these regions. For more information on region encoding, please click the link below:
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Product Notes
One was the Yankees' best loved player, the other was their most valuable. In the summer of 1961, Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle took on Babe Ruth's record, the 1927 single-season 60 home run slam. It would be a summer that no one who knows baseball would forget. As the summer of 1961 unfolds, both Maris and Mantle find themselves approaching Babe Ruth's benchmark of 60 home runs. Facing mounting pressure from the media and the stands, they both know there's only room for one winner. The people make their choice known. But the people's favorite isn't the favorite to win.
CreditsChris Bauer
Christopher Warren
John Armstrong
Kenneth L. Westcott
Thomas Jane
Barry Pepper
Haskell Wexler
Jeffrey Johnson
Maria Arruda
Adam Jordan
Jeff Atmajian
Jeff Wexler
Richard Masur
Andy Barrios
Bruce McGill
Kevin White
Al Kaplon
Scott Williamson
Christopher Wolf
E.E. Bell
Kevin Kelly
Douglas Womack
Jennifer Crystal
Laurent Ben-Mimoun
Sean Kelly
Gaston Wurth
Skip Kimball
Yogi Berra
Dustin Blauvelt
Evyen Klean
Reuben Yabuku
John Young
Lisa J. Bloch
Michael Kohan
Betty Krul
Dell Yount
P.J. Bloom
Joanie Blum
Tom Lamb
Mark Landon
Richard Boris
Robert Lattin
Anthony Michael Hall
Drew Boughton
Shannah Laumeister
Connor Trinneer
Hank Steinberg
Jennifer Foley
Renée Taylor
Christopher Bauer
Christopher McDonald
Bob Gunton
Donald Moffat
Joe Grifasi
Peter Jacobson
Robert Joy
Michael Nouri
Seymour Cassel
Charles Lawson
Marti Bowling
Renee Taylor
John Lee
Pat Crowley
Tim Boyle
Domenick Lombardozzi
John Bozzalla
Paul J. Lombardi
Bobby Hosea
Richard Brown
Stephanie Lowry
Chris Buchinsky
Lucia Mace
Paul Borghese
C.J. Maguire
Colin J. Campbell
James Intveld
Chris Marquette
Cliff Carothers
Kenneth Westcott
Gail Carroll-Coe
Sean Marquette
Mark Marshall
Ben Martin
Hazel Catmull
Marian Ceo
Anne D. McCulley
Bret St. Clair
Matt Cohen
John McElroy
Robert F. Colesberry
Gary Coppola
Bryan Corbett
John P. McMullen
Doug Mercer
Robert Costanzo
Don Coufal
Mike Mertens
Matt V. Messina
Robert Cribbett
Larry Michael
Billy Crystal
Joe Miller
Jon Miller
Lindsay Crystal
Steve Miller
JD Cullum
Tom Miller
Bill Dance
David Miya
Dick Deats
Jerry C. Deats
Peter Montagna
Aaron Dem
Dan Moore
Dan Morgan
Robert Deschaine
Bradley Morris
Sean Devine
Danny Morris
David Dionisio
Dallas D. Dornan
Ryan Murphy
Chris Dowell
Paul Myerberg
Jon Doyle
Maria Nieves
Jason Ninness
Mitchell S. Drain
Dane Northcutt
Robert Dudley
Alan Edmisten
Brad Edmiston
Nellie Nugiel
Christopher S. Nushawg
Mitchell Edmonds
Donald Elson
Shaun O'Banion
Charles Esten
Conor O'Farrell
Violet Ortiz
William A. Farley
Mali Finn
Ryan Parks
Maile Flanagan
David Fogg
Doug Pepper
DC Ford
Tom Perry
Cristin Pescosolido
Whitey Ford
David Peterson
Mark Franco
Kristina M. Peterson
Leigh French
Chris Friebus
Paul Plannette
Chris Furia
Gary Preece
James Pyburn
Lisa Furia
Michael Gallagher
Willie Radcliff
Dino Ganziano
Liz Radley
Ken Regan
Ray Garcia
Antonio V. Garrido
Deborah Ricketts
Dennis Riewerts
Gary Gegan
Christine Globke
Sandra Roach
Patrick Russ
Randall Godwin
Kosta Saric
Michelle Gold
David Golia
Nina Saxon
Michael Grady
Richard Scarpone
Lisa Schultz
Robert Grieve
Paul Schulz
Carl S. Griffin
Craig Scott
Nelson Sepulveda
Wayne Griffin
Greg Groenekamp
Marc Shaiman
Bob Sheppard
Harold Groshon
Abra Grupp
Steven E. Simon
Reggie Smith
Rusty Smith
Greg Hanigan
Todd Spears
Kimberly Harris
Loring I. Spicer
Phil Hawn
Samantha Sprecher
Baird Steptoe
Lindsey Hayes
Ellen Heuer
Ken Stevens
Petra Holtorf
Ray Stevens
Dick Stilwell
Denise Hudson
Meg Taylor
Matthew Iadarola
Tami Treadwell
Tom Ivanjack
Michael Jablow
Scott Waara
Cheri Jacobs
Dana Wagner
DirectorsBilly Crystal
ProducersRobert F. Colesberry